California White Sage

from €8.00
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The ancient practice of burning dried sage for cleansing is rooted in Native American tradition, where shamans burned sage to cleanse people and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity.

how to use it

Gather your smudge, open the doors of the rooms in your house and take a moment to set your intention or say a mantra. When ready and fully present in the moment, light it using a match or a candle and let it burn for about 20 to 30 seconds. After that, gently blow out the flame, walk around your space while allowing the smoke to spread. Guide the smoke - and the bad energy - out toward open windows .


Limpa, equilibra, recarrega energias.

A Sálvia Branca liberta uma resina aromática que é usada desde sempre pelos nativos americanos em rituais e cerimónias de purificação.

Como utilizar: Queime a ponta e, com pensamentos e intenções positivas, espalhe o fumo deste molho de Sálvia Branca pela casa para limpar o espaço e o encher de boas energias.

Origem: América do Norte (Califórnia)

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The ancient practice of burning dried sage for cleansing is rooted in Native American tradition, where shamans burned sage to cleanse people and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity.

how to use it

Gather your smudge, open the doors of the rooms in your house and take a moment to set your intention or say a mantra. When ready and fully present in the moment, light it using a match or a candle and let it burn for about 20 to 30 seconds. After that, gently blow out the flame, walk around your space while allowing the smoke to spread. Guide the smoke - and the bad energy - out toward open windows .


Limpa, equilibra, recarrega energias.

A Sálvia Branca liberta uma resina aromática que é usada desde sempre pelos nativos americanos em rituais e cerimónias de purificação.

Como utilizar: Queime a ponta e, com pensamentos e intenções positivas, espalhe o fumo deste molho de Sálvia Branca pela casa para limpar o espaço e o encher de boas energias.

Origem: América do Norte (Califórnia)


The ancient practice of burning dried sage for cleansing is rooted in Native American tradition, where shamans burned sage to cleanse people and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity.

how to use it

Gather your smudge, open the doors of the rooms in your house and take a moment to set your intention or say a mantra. When ready and fully present in the moment, light it using a match or a candle and let it burn for about 20 to 30 seconds. After that, gently blow out the flame, walk around your space while allowing the smoke to spread. Guide the smoke - and the bad energy - out toward open windows .


Limpa, equilibra, recarrega energias.

A Sálvia Branca liberta uma resina aromática que é usada desde sempre pelos nativos americanos em rituais e cerimónias de purificação.

Como utilizar: Queime a ponta e, com pensamentos e intenções positivas, espalhe o fumo deste molho de Sálvia Branca pela casa para limpar o espaço e o encher de boas energias.

Origem: América do Norte (Califórnia)